So I totally forgot to post last week :( So I am going to double up this week.. Here we go.. This week I am THANKFUL for..
1. Tomorrow being FRIDAY and Jeffrey is taking half of the day off for us to spend the day together.
2. My sweet sister working with me next year.
3. My niece turns 17 tomorrow and she is such an incredible young lady..Happy Birthday Maddy!
4. 1 and a half month until I will be in Mexico with Jeffrey and our best friends.
5. A job and an awesome partner at work.
6. Community group about to start back up
7. Wedding showers... this weekend we will celebrate Jen & Ben
8. Starbucks Coffee
9. Quinoa (weird I know), but I love it
10. Home, food, clothes, friends & family
We are truly blessed and we give God the glory!