Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy 1st Anniversary to US!

I cannot believe we have been married a year! It was honestly the sweetest year ever! I have loved getting to come home to Jeffrey every night. I love getting to do life with him. We have grown so much over the past year and I am excited to see how God continues to work in us. For our anniversary I created a beer paring dinner. It was so much fun! We watched our wedding videos and since the first anniversary is "paper themed" we journaled about our first year together. This is a tradition we will continue to do every year. We also got a journal for all of our trips each year and it was so fun to go back and remember all those. Now it seems crazy to document all of this, but I cannot wait to look back and see all we have been through and experienced together. Happy Anniversary Jeffrey Jones I love you more everyday!

Thankful to call Jeffrey my husband, 


Catching UP

Happy December! Wow it has been a VERY long time since I blogged. I want to say its because I have been super busy, which I have, but that is not really the reason. I kind of made time for other things instead of this. Sad I know! Anyways a lot has been going on and I am hoping that December is well documented on here. Before I move on lets do a quick recap:

 October was filled with pumpking carving parties, costume parties, community group fun, the fair, supper club, starting a new side job (Arbonne), and last but not least an incredible trip to Mexico to celebrate our first wedding anniversary ( I realize our anniversary is in November). Anyways as always I will let my pictures do the talking :) Enjoy!

Ahh October you were good!!

November literally FLEW by! It was filled with pinterest parties, Arbonne parties, celebrating my best friends birthday with a surprise, Christmas card picture session with our sweet friend Savannah (Check out her blog here:Savannah Garcia ), a visit from our sweet newphew Max, a week in Lubbock with the Jones family (pics to come soon), a day at the park and arboretum with Cary, and starting another side job (taking pictures). More to come on that along with what I have started with :) I also took time to do 30 days of thanks! I am honestly overwhelmed when I consider all the things I have to be thankful for, but mostly I am thankful I have a God that shows me Grace! Last but certainly not least Jeffrey and I celebrated a year of marriage! Oh what a fun year! (post on that too)

A few posts to look forward to: photography business, first anniversary and christmas decorations! I really hope everyone had a great fall season! Looking forward to what the winter brings! 

Back in action,,